Are you ugly?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thin you are ugly?

If there is one thing about cars I never liked, it was the new fangled contraption called anti-glare screens. Don’t get me wrong. I too don’t like having the sun in my eyes. Not as much as the other man. But the anti glare screens do a lot more than keep the sun out. They keep out the natural color of the world as we know it.

Maybe it was the case with just my anti glare screen. But ever since I got one installed, I’ve been having more and more accidents! I mean, the older plain glass windows too had problems of their own. For instance, not knowing whether they were up or down, and being absentminded most of the time, I would thrust my hand out to signal only to have it whack painfully onto the glass.

This happened quite frequently. The other thing was the direction of the sun. When I drove to work in the mornings, it would shine down right one me. And when I drove back in the evenings, I would be squinting again as the glare was turned on once again.

Finally, I decided that enough was enough and decided to get the anti glare screens fitted. Big mistake! For, with the anti glare screens, although the trouble from the sun was gone for good, other issues cropped up with scary regularity. For one thing, I could no longer distinguish the depth of space. Maybe it had something to do with my failing eyesight, but the anti glare screens didn’t make it any better.

Secondly, I began to miss signals that would otherwise catch my eye pretty quickly. Naturally, a direct consequence of this, and thanks to the anti glare screens, was that I began to have more and more accidents. They were all relatively minor and not life threatening. But due to the frequency, my insurance premium got higher and higher. Till it became a more viable option to take some public transport than to get my car out and drive it.

But the biggest bug bear of all was the fact that whenever I would be parked by the curb or the wayside, all kinds of weird people would walk up to the car and preen themselves in front of it. Ugly people with unkempt hair, busy people with no time for a mirror and even self obsessed people with narcissist tendencies! All of them would stop by to take a good look at themselves on my anti glare screens! It is bad enough that I have to contend with looking at my own ugly mug. Now, the world was my star cast!


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